The theory of everything
Why do we exist? Why does anything at all exist, instead of nothing? We have always sought a meaning. A simple, preferably beautiful, explanation. A theory of everything.
My project is about this quest. I traveled to CERN near Geneva. In pursuit of a true description of the world, research into the enormous – the cosmos – is here brought together with research into the very smallest unit – the inside of the atom. This includes things too small or remote to be seen. Images and models are created of these worlds – worlds that are hidden from us. Using metaphors and similes from our world we can look into other worlds.
I also create worlds. Worlds based on reality. On what I have seen, heard or experienced. Things that concern me. As a draughtsman I am not bound by natural laws and normal logic. I am the god of my own universe.
Year of birth 1980 Place of birth Stockholm, Sweden
+ 46 (0) 703 300 063