Konstfack – Vårutställning 2009 / Degree Exhibition 2009 » Åsa Elieson

Åsa Elieson

Åsa Elieson

“Gardens are built by time – the forest goes on growing in secret,” says Åsa Elieson about her two-room space at this year’s degree exhibition.

You reach her garden through a portal in the membrane of the paper wall. Or via the three-plank high pine steps to the left of the installation.

The visitor’s movement through this ugly, jerry-built construction triggers the story, but only indicates the shadow of a crime. And there is probably no planning permission. Since certain dubious factors have also arisen – chiefly regarding the orderliness and behavior of the student in question – the general public are asked to observe a degree of caution when sweeping through these spaces and garden areas, falling of the calm.

[flashvideo file=/wp-content/uploads/ma_fa_asa_elieson_01.flv /]
Trailer for “Oh, may I join the choir invisible…”
Chapter one (of three), 2008-2009

Year of birth 1978 Place of birth Stockholm, Sweden

Download press files (25 Mb)

Skulptur i tid, 2008/09
50 A4 pages
Read the “Skulptur i tid” document (pdf)

Entrence; Öster om Trädgården (detalj), 2009

Feet: Öster om Trädgården (detalj), 2009

Exit: Öster om Trädgården (detalj), 2009

Fine Arts